Monthly Archive: March 2014

The Agony of Government Procurement

The Agony of Government Procurement

An interesting tale on the BBC’s Today programme last week as an SME described the agony of being part of the Government’s procurement programme, something which no-one can describe as being Agile whatsoever. Ironically...

Are you a Luddite?

Are you a Luddite?

I meet quite a lot of people, senior people, who refer to themselves as “computer luddites”. This, despite using email and an electronic diary in much the same way a cook uses a stove, or...

Targeting Your Investment in Agile

Targeting Your Investment in Agile

Guest post by Alan O’Callaghan I recently had the great privilege of attending a two-day Product Owners’ Survival Camp in London, organized by Gojko Adjic, Dave Evans, Christian Hassa and Chris Matts. Over lunch...